
Showing posts from September, 2017

The death of colistin for KPC producers - part 4

This week there are 2 pieces of news on treatment of KPC producers. Taken together with a previous single-center observational study and two RCTs, all of which showed inferiority of colistin based regimens, I feel we can safely sound the death knell for polymyxins as treatment of KPC producers. Clinical Infectious Diseases has just released advance access on a multicenter evaluation of outcomes for KPC producers treated with either ceftazidime-avibactam or colistin . The article can be found here: This study evaluated outcomes of 137 patients in the CRACKLE study, sponsored by the NIH via the Antibiotic Resistance Leadership Group. The execution of this study required a huge amount of effort and lead author, David van Duin, deserves credit for getting this study done. Of the 137 patients with KPC producers, 63 (46%) had bloodst